Empowering Challenged Youth to Believe They Can, and
Erasing the ‘Stigma’ from Those Who Believe They Can’t.
A Diagnosis is Provided, Labels are Given, and Perceptions Arise. . . You Can Bet, Limitations Will Follow,
and many times a stigma attaches itself to limiting or hampering a child’s development. Self-confidence may be shattered, potential peer mistrust, and many times self-isolation occurs. Prescribed medications for neurological conditions many times hamper motor skill development and emotional skill sets. The Bounce Out the Stigma mission seeks to empower those children and young adults instilling self-confidence, improving motor skill development and removing peer mistrust using basketball and our unique story as a catalyst. Parents are not immune to the labels or their own feelings that result.
Removing Labels Makes and Means a World of Difference
Removing Labels Makes and Means a World of Difference
“No Kidding Me Too”
is something we hear kids telling one another at every Bounce Out the Stigma event. Kids are given limitations based on what others believe they should be able to do, and many times these kids are never asked to try harder or do more. Too often, they receive “the label“- autistic, attention deficit, epileptic, hyperactive, slow, and even disabled. Too often, it is that “label” that creates a deep emotional scar and a childhood of “sitting on the sidelines” watching others have fun. It may be called stigma, we call it unfair and seriously wrong. The Bounce Out the Stigma Program asks why we create the “No Kidding I CAN TOO” attitude with kids. When met with challenges, peer support, and nurturing adults, kids achieve more, empower themselves, and discover. . .
No Label You Apply Will Define Me, ” My Will Defines My Limits”
Bouncing Out the Stigma With a Ball, One Child at a Time

Our Grass Roots Mission
Working With The Special Needs Community To Build Their Self-Esteem, Be a Vehicle For Their Self Confidence, and Instilling Trust
Our challenged youth are typically unable to fully participate in their local neighborhood youth sports program due to one or more of the following challenges:
Autism Spectrum Disorders
Epilepsy, Seizure Disorders
Learning Disabilities;
Down Syndrome or Cerebral Palsy; and/or
Other mild physical & emotional disabilities.
Programs are co-ed and offer participants an opportunity to build self-esteem, create friendships, experience teamwork and have lots of fun. Parent participation is encouraged so plan for an enjoyable experience for the entire family where long-lasting friendships are formed and everyone has fun and grows.
Through our programs, the Project looks to create opportunities and a sense of awareness of disabilities in the community. OUR GOAL is to see our participants grow up successfully and become empowered leaders of tomorrow.
Our Vision
Our Mission’s Vision Is Now; No Longer Should Special Needs Youth Be Cast Into a Corner Watching The Fun. We Provide The Means For Them To Have Fun Learning Motor Development With Positive Reinforcement.
Today is the time to empower every young person whom we come in contact with to DREAM, PURSUE & CHALLENGE themselves and others around them on what they can do. We seek a community where challenged youth and young adults do not grow up stigmatized by the labels received somewhere in their early life.
The time is now to inspire and educate young people with special needs, through the creation and support of signature programs promoting healthy lifestyle choices. To make every child we come in contact with feel special regardless of “labels assigned to them. To remove the scars of stigma children feel because they are made to feel different. Through our programs, the Project looks to create opportunities and a sense of awareness of disabilities in the community. Our aim is to see children affected grow up successfully and become empowered leaders of tomorrow.
Our Goal
Our Goal, Changing Lives, One Person at a Time – There Is No Better Goal For One’s Heart Then Reaching Down and Improving a Person’s Outlook On Life, That Goal is Special When it Serves a Child.
Bounce Out the Stigma® is a truly hands-on grassroots organization founded in 2005. Since then the Program has received national acclaim. Bounce Out the Stigma is a recognized 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization incorporated in the state of New Jersey. We have grown exponentially in the past 10 years from a single basketball camp in New Jersey to an up-and-coming national year-round program. Our initial focus was on children with seizure disorders. Our programs have expanded to Autism, ADD, ADHD, Downs Syndrome, Emotional Disorders, and other children confronted with mental challenges. Our targeted demographic is ages 6-12 and 13-21 male and female, and kids who are not mentally or emotionally comfortable at a mainstream athletic program or are capable beyond the stronger / deeper special needs community.
We seek to partner with national, regional, and local organizations, including non-profit foundations, hospitals, colleges, schools, and groups to provide a unique program in their community. We are also open to partnering and collaborating with companies that can help us expand our reach with our message and programs. We seek to have our message resonate with all people regardless of age or ability.
Become a Sponsor, Donate Time, Donate Money, and Donate Word of Mouth